
Alstar - One Page Bootstrap Template

Alstar features an exceptionally responsive interface, with enough prebuilt elements to create a one-page website easily. It can be customized fast and easy, organized beautifully, and contemporary. The layout of this free one-page website template works well on different screens and platforms. To develop a portfolio as a freelancer, developer, designer, creative, or even a team, Alstar is the best template.

Alstar features an on-scroll animation and engaging parallax effects. Also, this template has the following features – carousel slider service section, text rotator and big hero header. This will make your presentation very useful. With these attributes, you are confident you can build a fantastic personal website. The quality of this free HTML5 template has improved with its JavaScript plugins such as WOW, text rotator, and scrollTo. There is a single CSS file for color setting. With this, you can easily customize the template's color.